Kumba > Products > RFID Wallet > Leather Wallet

China Leather Wallet Vagadziri, Suppliers, Factory

BOHONG, a professional factory renowned for quality, presents the Leather Wallet. Crafted with precision and care, this wallet offers exceptional quality at an affordable price. BOHONG's commitment to providing value shines through in this stylish yet practical accessory. When you choose a BOHONG Leather Wallet, you not only get a fashion-forward item but also the assurance of a product created by experts in the field. Experience the perfect blend of affordability and professionalism with BOHONG's Leather Wallet – a choice that reflects your style and budget.
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Quilted Leather RFID Kuvharira Chikwereti Kadhi Holder

Quilted Leather RFID Kuvharira Chikwereti Kadhi Holder

Bohong yemhando yepamusoro Quilted dehwe RFID ichivharira kiredhiti inobata chikwama chinovharira RFID scanning pamakadhi ako echikwereti kudzivirira kubiwa kwekuzivikanwa. Yakaoma yakasimba aluminium wallet inochengeta makadhi ako echikwereti akachengeteka. Inovhura kuburitsa manomwe-homwe accordion faira kubata makadhi echikwereti, ID, mari nezvimwe. Mamiriro ekunze nemvura inoshingirira. Kune vese varume nevakadzi. Isu tiri nyanzvi yealuminium wallet inogadzira, fekitori uye mutengesi. Isu takazvipira kutsvagiridzo yechigadzirwa nekusimudzira, kuenderera mberi hunyanzvi, kuunza ruzivo rwekushandisa zviri nani kune vatengi.

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Genuine Leather Wallet ine Clip

Genuine Leather Wallet ine Clip

Ninghai Bohong Metal Products Co., Ltd, mutengesi ane mukurumbira anogara kuChina, ane hunyanzvi mukupa Genuine Leather Wallet ine Clip zvigadzirwa. Neanopfuura makore gumi nemasere ehunyanzvi muRFID kadhi kesi indasitiri, tinodada neruzivo rwedu rwakakura uye kuzvipira kune mhando.

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Bohong yanga ichigadzira zvemhando yepamusoro nefashoni Leather Wallet kwemakore akawanda uye ndeimwe yenyanzvi Leather Wallet vagadziri neVatengesi kuChina. Tine fekitori yedu uye tinogona kugadzirisa zvigadzirwa zvinoenderana nemafungiro ako. Vatengi vanogutsikana nezvigadzirwa zvedu uye basa rakanakisa. Bata isu, tichakupa quotation uye mutengo runyorwa.
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